Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tea Bag I - Mixed Media Study

I have set a goal for the new year to paint and post more. The last few months all of my creative energy was suddenly consumed by communication and digesting a new culture. Now, after living here almost 6 months I am ready to treat Korea as though it is my home and not let it keep me from doing the things I do at home.

Last weekend I tried to do some drawings from a leg of our trip in Malaysia, Penang has beautiful buildings. On a side note, Penang, was incredible, you can learn more about our trip there when we post about it on Spicy Fishy. If you don't get a chance to check it out on our website, in a nut shell Penang is the melting pot of Asia. It was full of different religions and cultures that live in harmony. Wow. Refreshing. I got the same architectural inspiration I had wandering the streets of Cortona. Anyways, just like myself, I got very frustrated by trying to keep my movement limited to a piece of sketch paper. I promptly decided that an improv painting was in order so I could at least feel creative.

Tea is a very Asian thing (so is instant coffee). I have done some sketches about tea and different kinds of tea bags. I grabbed my sketch as visual reference and went to town.

Music, Kings of Convenience, "Live Long" from Riot on an Empty Street

I enjoy blogging for three main reasons. One, I like to see my progress, its a nice feeling. Two, I think sharing art is more important than making it. Three, it is good to see artwork you create from another prospective. If I am frustrated with a piece I usually look at it with a mirror or upside down or through my digital camera. This third reason helped me feel better about the study I am sharing with you today.

I do not care for the piece as a whole. It looks transparent and incomplete. I really like the cropped in images, maybe I will go somewhere with that in the future.

Chunky Drips! I love them!

I no longer have the humus-looking acrylic medium so I used coffee grounds mixed with tempera!

A final note, this study reminds me of a "Tweaked" Tea Bag.

Alright, I am off to the gym with my fiance! WHOA, yes, we got engaged about two weeks ago! Again, I direct you to SpicyFishy!

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