Tuesday, May 6, 2008


For Tweaked, mixed media on canvas, 2x3'

I did this painting for the play of Tweaked, by Paul Shoulberg, directed by my good friend Ross Matsuda. The play is being performed at the Viaduct Theatre in Chicago. The performances began on 2 May and will continue through the month. For more information on when you can go and see it visit Big Brother Productions.

When Ross asked me to do this piece I knew one thing about the play--its about meth addicts. That was enough to spark my interest. The piece is meant to be the one thing of value the addicts cannot get rid of. The painting was to be an abstract, misunderstood but genius, unaccessible but iconic.

Layer 1, For Tweaked

I sent Ross a few artists I would keep in mind while composing the piece--Rothko, Rauschenberg, Miro, and Korroch. Rothko for patches of gradiated color. Rauschenberg for chunky collage. Miro for bold outlines. Korroch for some me in it. If you do not know these artists they are definitley worth getting to know. Click on the links.

Another Layer

Here you can see I used some pumice to add texture. I also incorporated layers of collage and I threw in some oil pastel (the lines). I also used this interesting gold polish like paint Anne had laying around.

More oil pastel. Geometric shapes I manage to force into being organic. I am not one for hard edged painting.

Patches of color. I used string gel, the material I use to make people think my paintings have oil paint in them. I mixed up a tone of that yellow with string gel and used my palette knife to get harder, thicker edges.

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Explore The Wild: Newly Discovered Artists

Flourish Studios, 3020 N Lincoln


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