Sunday, March 30, 2008

First Video!

I mentioned this large sketch a few weeks ago. I have been a tad under the weather so it was temporarily paused. Feeling better, pause button is off.

I created this painting while my laptop took pictures every 7 seconds. You can view the VIDEO on youtube! Yay!!!

A few points on the painting:

*It is truly mixed media. I used oils sticks (creamy), oil pastel, chalk pastel, acrylic, string gel, and charcoal.
*It is done on roofing paper
*I referenced many collages I have posted on this blog.
*I created no sketches before doing the painting, I just jumped in and painted!
*I had a lot of fun!

This little girls if from You Name It II. Obviously many themes are repeated. One theme you can see here is the onlooking little girl. I also used the wall paper reference here and the jail stripes/wall paper idea on the right side of the painting. Sort of going from innocent to not so innocent.

I need to get some old wallpaper or start drawing and painting my own. My monotype printing class might be the place for that!

This elephant is from You Name It IV. Because I was drawing quickly this elephant kind of because a man. I did not mean for that to happen but I kind of like it. Anthropomorphism, I might get into some of that. We'll see.

The elephant got every different medium I used. This is a nice view of that.

This is from You Name It I. Another thing I would like to work on more is different bodies, more androgynous, pushing it more. Hopefully I can take a figure drawing class sometime soon. Granted, the models are not usually as Rubenesque as I would like. Or just real. I like real.

Let me know what you think of the video! More to come!
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Some news, I sent a very quickly conceived proposal to a gallery/store for a show that I would like to put together and the accepted it! Basically I love the space (Anne is showing there now) but I do not have enough to fill it. Fortunately I know many wonderful artists in Chicago, so i am putting a show together for a few people. This is still in the very early stages but its going to make April pretty busy!

I have lots of ideas. Need to write them down and get them going. More on all of that in another post.


1 comment:

Libby P said...

i love the video! so fun to watch you work! love you babe!